Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's a BOY!

I think that anyone who might possibly read this blog already knows that we have another boy in our family, but I'll go ahead and post it anyway.  :)

Super abbreviated version of events for the evening, appropriate for all readers: after finishing up that last blog post on "Baby Stow #3's" due date, Marty and I sat around and watched "Parenthood" on Hulu.... just as we were heading to bed, I started having contractions.  We eventually called our wonderful friend Merrielle to watch our boys and then got to the hospital around 11:30pm.... around 12:15am the wonderful nurse, Deb, arrived (the hospital was full, so they needed to call someone in)..... at the point they talked about sending me home because labor wasn't progressed far enough..... at 1:20am the nurse said things were progressing and I was not going to get sent home..... the midwife arrived at 1:48a..... and baby Owen arrived at 1:58am!  It was a super duper speedy all natural delivery.

And here is beautiful baby Owen Anthony - born at 1:58am on 1/11/12.  He weighed 8 lb 3 oz and was 20 1/4 inches long.

Owen's first picture - welcome to the world little buddy.
Gavin snuggling his little brother on his first day home. 

Owen and his big brothers.
6 days old.

2 weeks old

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