Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How DID the Matchbox car end up in my coffee?

Welcome to our new family blog!  It has taken a few months.... and it might be a while before I post again, but at least I have a new site started.  :)

How DID the Matchbox car end up in my coffee?  Easy answer: we have a very curious toddler who has a propensity for hiding objects - his favorite being the Matchbox cars.  They have gone through the washer, dryer and dishwasher (on numerous occasions).  Cars have been found in my coffee, my slippers, my blender, the trash can, and about anywhere else you can think of.   The Matchbox cars being found in random locations seem to sum up daily life in our house right now.... so it seemed a fitting title for the new blog.

Today is "D DAY".  Meaning that today is the due date for our new baby!  Baby does not seem all the interested in arriving at this point, but it is a big day!  Well, I definitely have the big belly to show for it too.

Quote of the day:  During lunch Elijah was asking about the baby arriving since today is the due date.  I asked him what he was most excited about regarding the new baby.  He responded with "Mommy, then there will be more room for me to sit on your lap again."  How sweet.  I responded with "You're right, I mean, look at the size of my belly."  Without missing a beat, he threw back "Yeah, and your bumkins!"  Bumkins in the word that our family uses for butt.  He made me laugh out loud.  Love the honesty and lack of filter of a 5 year old.  :)

"Mommy, Uh Oh":  Gavin is now 21 months old and is a very funny, extroverted, social little guy.  When we are out somewhere to play and he needs help with something, he will just approach any random stranger and "ask" for assistance (but he has a VERY limited vocabulary at this point).  He is also in a phase where he will call any adult woman "mama" and any adult male "dada".... which just makes interactions, well, interesting sometimes.  Today he was working on using his words and he came to get me while we were at home saying "Mommy, uh oh."  He took me by the hand and led me to the new baby room where he showed me the "uh oh."  All the blankets, burp cloths, crib bedding, some books, etc which are normally stored on a shelf were in a big pile in the middle of the floor.  Compliments of Gavin.  He said the same thing after he turned his not-yet-empty bowl of yogurt into a hat.  "Mommy, uh oh."  Correct, Gavin.  Uh oh.  I have a very hard time not laughing at him..... which is good, because he creates a lot of messes at this little phase in his life.
Just a random photo of the boys.  This is the type of stuff their Daddy teaches them.... and of course, Gavin does everything his brother does, she jumps next.  Boys.  :)

"I am 2 fries short of a Happy Meal."  I am writing that just to tell you that we saw a guy pan-handling today with this cardboard sign.  It was one of the more creative pan-handling signs I've seen.  It does fall short of a guy we saw in Seattle who asked us for some cash so that he could go get high.  Yes, he really said that - and then was trying to tell us "Hey, at least I'm being honest!"

That concludes my first blog post on the new blog!  Hopefully I will have an update soon with news about the arrival of our little one.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I love catching up with you and your family, so I'm very excited about the new blog. Best wishes and I pray that labor goes smoothly.
