Thursday, February 9, 2012

And then there were FIVE!

First family photo:  Owen is 2 1/2 weeks old

Owen is almost one month old!  I cannot believe how the time is flying by.  He is a big guy, so there is already clothing that I am setting aside that is too small for him....

I've been asked a lot in the past 4 weeks how the transition has been with adding Owen to our family and I have to say it has been better than expected!  I am usually asked by other moms who then go on to tell which family-growth-transition was the most difficult for their family.  Some say from one child to two children.... others from two to three.....

This time around, it really helped that my mom was here for 2 weeks.  Amazing.  I was able to catch up on some things around the house, she cooked and cleaned and I got to focus on recovering from childbirth, getting to know Owen and playing with the big brothers.  It was an amazing time.

For us, the most difficult transition was from zero to one; also known as adding Elijah to our family.  Definitely, hands down; that transition rocked our world.  I wasn't one of those women who just knew I wanted to be a stay-at-home mom.  I wasn't even confident that I was going to enjoy being a mom - I clearly remember talking to Marty while I was pregnant with Elijah and questioning how women could be so certain and so confident about mothering (and/or choosing to stay at home) before they had children - for me, I had no idea what to expect prior to actually being in the "mom shoes".

Being a mom is great - and I love it - and it completely and totally stretches me in new ways every day.  By kiddo #3 I am a much more laid back mom than I was with kiddo #1.... and yet I am still ever so thankful that we only had one colicky baby.

So, that's that.  Loving being a family of five.  It is busy and chaotic and great.

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