Thursday, August 29, 2013


Marty and I went to a Rockies game last night with his family.  Without our children.  It was awesome and I don't really even care that much at all about baseball.  Marty loves it though, so it is fun to watch him enjoy the game so much.

The evening was beautiful, the first 6 innings of the game went by quickly, I had an adult beverage, good conversation and a funnel cake.  All without children.  It was great.

Marty and me.  Rockies game self portrait.
The only downside is that we got home really late.  After 11p, which is unheard of for us to be awake at that time in this phase of life.  I did not get up for my morning run and instead threw on clean clothes, the same hat and started out the busy day.

Part of that busy day included a chiropractor visit.  I have become a huge fan of the chiropractor recently.... but that is completely separate story.

While I was in his office and he was cracking away at my spine I was thinking.... "Wow, something in here is really stinky."

And I went on with the appointment.... la de da da.....

Went on with the day and all is well.

And a few hours later I realized that the stink in the chiropractor's office was my feet.  AWESOME.

Sorry Mr. Chiropractor.  I'll be sure to shower before coming in next week.

1 comment:

  1. Love these blogs, Laura. I have apparently, after oh, what, over a year, figured out how to comment on your blog. Believe me, I've tried. Let's hit the "publish" button and see if I have, indeed, triumphed. xoxoxo
