Monday, August 26, 2013

First day of school!!! First day of school!!!!

I woke Elijah up this morning happily singing the little tune of "first day of school, first day of school" from "Finding Nemo".  His response was similar to Marlin's in the movie.... it goes something like "I don't want to go to school...."

We were all ready to go!  Being the ridiculously-on-top-of-it-mom that I am, we finished up school supply shopping less than an hour before the back to school ice cream social last week.  (Although we are still missing the red pencils with erasers - whoops.  Office Depot was sold out - lame).

And just last night we cleaned out his backpack.... which was only half heartedly taken care of on the last day of kindergarten.  It has spent the summer happily relaxing in Elijah's garage locker.  I did make sure there was no food or drink in it before summer storage so it was fun to get to find the end of the year surprises from kindergarten still in his bag.  

We are so on top of things around here.

Mommy, however, was super duper excited about the first day of school!  YAY!  I love the lazy days of summer (which went by really fast), but I also love the routine that school days give us.

Photo taking didn't go so well... this is the best shot of all three of them. 

Only shot with Elijah looking towards the camera.  1st day of 1st grade!

Gavin's 1st day of preschool!  Wearing his most favorite spiderman shirt.
And spiderman undies too, but thankfully we can't see them in this shot.

Owen had no idea what was going on, but he wanted to line up and say "cheese" also.  :)
We dropped Elijah off at school and then had nearly about 45 minutes until Gavin needed to be dropped off at preschool.  He had been so excited to go to school, but after we dropped Elijah off his tune changed drastically.  He started saying "me no want to go to school, Mommy" and "me want to stay here with you and Owen.... me will be nice & kind Mommy".  Uhmmm... I may have told Elijah that it is good for him to get a break and go to school because he is not always nice and kind to his brothers.... whoops.  Apparently Gavin picked up on that.  

On the way to take Gavin to school he had all sorts of important questions like "where are the tissues and who will wipe my nose?" and "who is going to help me go potty?".  We found the place to hang his backpack, the tissues in the classroom, and I left as he hesitantly joined the line to wash his hands.  And I just knew he was going to love it.

When I picked him up from class, his teacher (Mrs. Carter) told me something along the lines of "Oh, I am going to love your little boy.  He is so sweet."  And she is so right.  He LOVED his first day of school.

He talked my ear off about singing "The wheels on the bus" and his new friends.  His words were "Mommy, me like my new friends.  Them Nathan & Alex.  Them really cool."  EXTROVERT.  He was giddy for the next hour.  So excited.

Now for the introvert of the family.  After I picked up Elijah, he gave me a few brief details of his day.  Brief.  It was then time to come home for lunch.  As Gavin rambled on about his day Elijah's head was about to explode.  He begged for silence or to just go eat outside by himself because he could not handle all this talking after just being around people all morning.

We compromised and listened to Dr. Seuss on audiobook throughout lunch.  Success.

As Gavin rattled off the names of the other children in his 3 year old preschool class, Elijah noted that he has absolutely no idea of the names of the children he played with at recess.  Just that they were not new kids, he has played with them before, and names are obviously not an important part of first grade.  Such a HUGE difference between an extrovert and an introvert.  It will be interesting to see how that plays out as they grow.... and it was fascinating to see on the first day of school.

They were both exhausted by bedtime.  Yay!  Here's for another big day tomorrow.  

Welcome back routine of school.  Oh how I have missed you.  :)

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