Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kind of like walking and tripping....

This afternoon I was cleaning off the mail on my desk.   The two little boys and the neighbor girl were all upstairs with me chatting away about something or another.

I heard a loud thud down in the basement followed by screaming.  Now, this might be concerning to some people, but it literally happens multiple times per day in our house.  Literally.  I could tell by the sound of the scream that there was likely an injury sustained, but I have gotten into the habit of telling the boys that if they are able to walk, they need to come upstairs to show me the injury.... I'm not going down there multiple times per day to see that they once again stepped on a matchbox car.  Ain't nobody got time for that.

I turned around from my desk to see our 6 year old with his hands and face covered in blood.

Yep.  Real injury.

Here is the point where I should mention that I tend to pass out when I see too much blood.  And since we have three little boys, seeing too much blood happens on occasion.  I am working to get past this.

We calmly walked into the kitchen and got a wet washcloth to hold on the gaping head wound.  Of course, my first question is "What happened?!?"

Elijah's response was "I was walking and I tripped and hit my head on metal."

"WHAT?"  He elaborated that it was the metal leg on his small desk in the basement.  That didn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I decided to let the details go.

The neighbor girl went home while Elijah and Marty went off to Urgent Care (I'm pretty worthless there.... especially when it gets to the part where I am supposed to help hold him still so they can do the stitches.  I tried that once..... I had to lay down and have the nurse get me juice and crackers.  Seriously.  No joke.  We have been down this road a couple of times before.  It is better to just send Marty).

Fast forward a couple hours.  Marty reports that Urgent Care went pretty smoothly.  There was a minimal amount of screaming (which is to be expected) and this time Marty didn't even have to hold his head still while they did the stitches.  Three stitches were all that were required.  Not too shabby.

Waiting to get the stitches

Of course there was the obligatory post stitches ice cream visit.

When they got home I decided to review the walking and tripping story with Elijah.  After a bit of hesitation it turned into something like this:

"Well, I stacked up all the cushions from the couch and chair downstairs.  So there were 3 of them.  And it was pretty high.  And then I decided to run and jump on it.  But I hit my head on my desk."

Huh.  Well, there you have it folks.  Kind of like tripping while walking.... but still drastically different.

Maybe 10 minutes after getting home I had to remind him that running and jumping onto the couch is probably also a bad idea.  After every time we go to Urgent Care for an injury or illness (which I do need to point out we have not been there in almost 14 months), I have this fear that we are going to end up there again within hours or days.  It just seems to go like that.

Regardless, I do foresee more Urgent Care trips in our future.

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