Sunday, June 9, 2013


Gavin is known in our house as "Gav", "G", "G-man", "G-monkey" or "Gav-Man".

He is quickly approaching 3 1/2 which is (generally) a really fun age that I am appreciating a lot more the 2nd time around.  Within the past month or so he has really matured to the place where I am much more confident that he is aware of his surroundings and won't run out into the street - and wanting to watch out so that little brother is also being safe.  Basically he's just growing up a lot.

He is also HILARIOUS.  He currently has the goal of outrunning his shadow.  He tries this regularly.  While I should attempt to explain how it all works, instead I'm just loving this short, innocent little phase.  Because seriously, that's some funny stuff.

He asks questions constantly.  Like "Mommy, what that say?" and points out things like "See that number!".  He also regularly asks "What that thing do?" or "What that thing called?" when he sees an unfamiliar object.  Marty just mentioned his current favorite of "Daddy, what you doin?".  All the time. And just so cute.

One of my most favorite things right now is how he tells stories.  He tells his stories with both words and sound effects/gestures.  The latter is my favorite.  So much my favorite that I'm taking the time to edit and upload a video of it.  You really should watch it.  For real.  It is that cute.  The little video also includes him counting to 10 and his end of the year performance at CBS (he is the one jumping on and off the stage in the front).  :)

Gavin HATES to get caught doing something he isn't supposed to do.  Which is to say that he is really good at attempting to make sure that no one sees him so he won't get punished.  When he does get caught, he has recently resorted to saying "you no want to see me cry" (for going to time out, etc) and "me love you".  Which doesn't make knocking his brother to ground acceptable, but he is just oh so cute.  :)

And even though he has yet to see a Super Hero movie, he is certain that he is a superhero.  He prefers to wear he Super Man, Spiderman or Batman shirt every single day.  He is pretty sure that if he wears that shirt long enough he will actually be able to fly..... he tries flying off the couch on a pretty regular basis.  Thankfully it is only a foot or two off the ground and thus far we have avoided any injuries.

Recent pics of our big kid.....

1 comment:

  1. That is sooo awesome! I love Gavin's story about the smoothy. Seriously - how could he be in trouble for that!? You saw it! It fired up its engine, took off and then had a nose dive. So real.
