Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day

We celebrated Independence Day yesterday.  More commonly known as "the 4th of July".  However, Marty is passionately against calling it "the 4th".  He says "we don't call Christmas December 25th, so why would we call Independence Day July 4th?!?!"  It is kind of like his thoughts on "the f word".

Throughout the day, Elijah was asking what we had independence from.  Regardless of what Marty or I would say, he always came back to "so, we are celebrating the day that the white people were freed from slavery."  Uhmmm, no Elijah.  The white people were not freed from slavery.  No discussion could convince him otherwise.

We decided to celebrate the evening with the city fireworks.  We got there 2 1/2 hours prior to start time.  We were armed with friends, juice boxes, glow sticks, balls, and plenty of snacks.  All things considered, the kids did amazing waiting for the fireworks.  We got a GREAT viewing spot on the top of a hill right by a fantastic pine tree perfect for climbing.  We sent the kid who already has 3 stitches in his head up into the tree for a couple hours and told him good luck.  He was in heaven.

The only photo we have from the evening.... Elijah up in the tree. 

9:35 finally arrived: scheduled start time.  The symphony orchestra finished up with a wonderful patriotic song.  The crowd cheered.  YAY!  One big red firework was launched and then we waited.  And waited.

It was slightly windy which is what we believed was causing the delay.

So we waited.

Someone around us was smoking pot.  Which is completely legal in Colorado... at least I think so?  I have absolutely no idea.  But the kids loved saying "Mommy, what is the funny smell?"  Hmmm.... let's talk about Independence day.

We waited.

Then the pot smoking kids lit off a bottle rocket.  While smoking pot may be legal, all fireworks in Fort Collins are illegal (including sparklers).  And of course, bottle rockets.  That led the local police to the happy little climbing tree behind us where they addressed the bottle rocket launching.  Not sure if anything happened with the pot smoking?

Well, by then it was well after 10p.  Many people were leaving, Owen was oscillating between trying to sleep and cry, and the nice police officers informed us they had no idea if/when the fireworks would go off.  We decided to join the crowds of people leaving.... by the nearest accessible exit: under the pot smokers in the pine tree.

We made it about 3 blocks and you guessed it - the fireworks started.

We went back to the park and watched the fireworks from the bottom of the hill.... behind a couple trees.  And they were still great.  All the boys LOVED the fireworks.   It was HOURS after their bedtime and they all just stared in amazement.  Owen said "more boom booms".  Gavin commented on the different colors, shapes and sizes.

Elijah said "Yay!  We are celebrating our independence from when the white people were slaves."

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