Monday, May 28, 2012

Gavin is TWO.....

I like blogging/writing.  I cannot believe that I have not posted anything in more than 3 MONTHS!  These little boys keep me busy.  :)

Since my last post, Gavin has turned 2 YEARS old!  I cannot believe that it has been more than 2 years since we were bringing him home from the hospital.  He is so much fun - and so busy.  All 2 year olds are busy - and Gavin is definitely no exception.  An early childhood teacher was commenting last week on how we should really work on teaching Gavin things like "slow" and "gentle".... hmmm.... funny.  He knows nothing other than "hard", "fast", and "make-people-laugh".  Turns out when a 2 year old does everything at warp speed with so much intensity, all you can do is laugh because it is so stinkin' adorable.

Some things about our most favorite 2 year old:

- He does flips of the couch. He has no fear of the landing.
- He runs on gravel/dirt trails downhill as fast as he can.  To the point then when he wipes out, he ends up with a mouth full of dirt, skinned up elbows or bumps on his head.... but after a quick check for broken bones and a kiss from Mommy, he just keeps going.
- He would prefer to throw EVERYTHING.  If I had a dollar for every time I said "No Throw...."
- Eating is definitely a secondary consideration to anything that would involve running or making people laugh.  Therefore, his favorite place to eat is in his carseat.  There is little opportunity for moving or making people laugh, so as soon as those buckles are fastened, he realizes he is starving.  :)  Love that little guy.
- His favorite words at the moment are: "stuck", "broke", "yuck" and "truck".  He will also throw "walk" and "rock" in there.   He is just starting to say "me" on a regular basis.
-  He loves to be cuddled and rocked to sleep.
-  He loves being a big brother to Owen and will try to calm him down when he is upset.  He calls Owen "yeah yeah".  He also loves to steal Owen's blankets.  Thankfully at the moment Owen is not very attached to them.
- Gavin enjoys animals and being outside.  He stands at the back door to watch the squirrels or he will lay on blankets in the backyard to watch for airplanes in the sky.

Leaving you with a few photos of our adventurous little boy.  :)

Throwing rocks.  One of his most favorite activities.

Say "cheese".  Oh, Mommy was trying to take a picture of Owen?  Never mind that.... I'm cute.

Lovin' bath time and snuggles with Daddy.

Daddy was getting ready to go on a fishing trip in April.  Don't want him to forget his net!

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