Monday, November 5, 2012

Just. Can't. Win.

A random catalog came in the mail sometime last week.... for outdoorsy, camping type stuff.

It had a picture of a cartoonish Paul Bunyan on the front.  Elijah and I had just finished reading a book about Paul Bunyan so he took a quick interest in the catalog as I set it on my desk.  The conversation went something like this....

Elijah:  "Mommy, can I take it and look at it?"

Me: "No."

Elijah, being the ever questioning 6 year old: "Why not?  I just want to look at it?!"

Me, likely in not the most patient of tones:  "Because what you're going to do is take it downstairs or some other random place in the house, look at it for 2 minutes, then forget about it, set it down and it will just be one more thing for me to pick up.  So just leave it on the desk."

Tonight I find it downstairs in the middle of the floor as I'm cleaning up.  

Marty left it there.  

I'm glad I can see the humor in it or my head just might explode.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I was just logging on to tell you how amazing you are and how much I appreciate you :) Really.
