Monday, October 22, 2012

What the ?!?!

This is just a silly little story, but my house is quiet and I am avoiding about a million things, so I am going to write it down.

Gavin, Owen and I went to the grocery store this morning.  It was great.  The boys were cute and happy and all was well.

At the end of the shopping trip, Gavin generally gets a penny to go ride on the little pony machine as long as he has made good choices.... which he generally does.  Today, just as we finished paying for the groceries, three little kids got in line to ride the pony.  We were already in a rush because we needed to go pick up Elijah from school, didn't have much time to spare and couldn't wait for the three kids.

I made a deal with Gavin.  He gave me the "one little one" (penny) and I gave him "two big ones" (quarters) and he could get a prize.  Seemed like a good enough trade to him and he went over the vending machine to see what he would get.  So exciting..... there were little guys, dice, mini hand-cuffs, monsters.... so many cool prizes in this vending machine.

Out comes the little container and he is so excited to open it and find out what is inside!

Guess what it is!?!?  A random piece of rubbery plastic.  In the shape of nothing.  Not a monster, or a guy, or well.... anything.

Gavin was all excited and exclaimed with excitement "MY STICK!" (which actually sounds very similar to the inappropriate comments mentioned in the previous post.... but that is old news)

So, our fifty cents bought us a piece of rubbery plastic.  In the shape of a stick.  Made in China.

What the ?!?!  Really.  I didn't expect much for my fifty cents.... but can it get more random than that?

Ok.  I am off to actually unpacking my new fancy pants kitchen.  Hope to have some before and after pictures soon.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I know. Lately K & P have been spending ALL K's allowance on those machines at the grocery store. Whoever invented those machines must be raking it in HAND OVER FIST! One time the machine advertised disguises. It showed the whole face: beard, mustache, eyebrows, the whole deal. Those kids paid $.75 for JUST THE EYEBROWS! Are you kidding me!? Rip off.
