Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hostage Situation

We are not a family that spends a whole lot of days at home.  Because, well:

Enter in the stomach flu.  We have had two bouts of it in the past two months.  Here is what has happened..... One kid gets sick and everyone else is well.  We wait the required 24 hours of being symptom free before we enter the world again.  Then the 2nd kid gets sick.... and the 3rd.... and the 4th... and Mom.... and Dad.  Enter in two weeks of not leaving the house.

We are currently on child number 2 of the 2nd round.  

I feel like I am a hostage in my house.  

There are all these small people who want to leave, but we are all housebound.  Everyone gets wonky and starts making completely unreasonable requests.  While lying on the floor screaming and crying. And of course, there is the sick kid that gets nearly anything he wants.  Including an insane amount of screen time.  The other boys are certain that they are going to literally die of boredom since whatever was planned for the day has been wiped off the calendar.  

I have a feeling I will block out this phase of life.  Hopefully this little blog post will help me remember it as I age.  When there is just one or two children in the family, an illness can be a relaxing time of snuggling, extra long naps, deep cleaning and relaxation from a busy schedule.

4 kids.  Serious hostage situation people.  

Quoting one of Owen's favorite sayings "I gotta get outta here!"

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