Monday, November 19, 2012

Pancakes, pancakes & more pancakes! :)

I think all parents of toddlers could use this secret recipe.  It is amazing.

Our current answer to toddler eating is PANCAKES.  In the most untraditional of ways.  G currently eats mostly grain free, dairy free and soy free.  And very little fruit.  And he only really likes one vegetable: sweet potato in the form of homemade sweet potato fries.  He doesn't like the ones from the store.  That leaves us with eggs, meat, corn tortillas, some questionable dairy free "cheese" and "monkey snack" (aka Gorilla Munch cereal).

The pancakes.  He LOVES pancakes in all forms.  My wonderful friend Megan called a couple months ago with this recipe: 2 eggs + 1 mashed banana = pancakes.  The dietician helped me realize 2 eggs + about 1/2 cup of anything else also = pancakes.  The only other thing I've tried so far is acorn squash.  I did add a little bit of cinnamon and maple syrup, but G loved them.  And if he doesn't eat them all in one serving, I can make them into peanut butter sandwiches.   Perfect little snack.

My second most favorite new thing is chocolate avocado pudding.  There are a whole bunch of recipes out there.  And honestly, Gavin has yet to try it.  But I think it is amazing and he keeps asking for it.... it is just the toddler in him who is unsure about trying new things.  So, I'm making it again today.

Happy toddler feeding and Happy Thanksgiving.  :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

Just. Can't. Win.

A random catalog came in the mail sometime last week.... for outdoorsy, camping type stuff.

It had a picture of a cartoonish Paul Bunyan on the front.  Elijah and I had just finished reading a book about Paul Bunyan so he took a quick interest in the catalog as I set it on my desk.  The conversation went something like this....

Elijah:  "Mommy, can I take it and look at it?"

Me: "No."

Elijah, being the ever questioning 6 year old: "Why not?  I just want to look at it?!"

Me, likely in not the most patient of tones:  "Because what you're going to do is take it downstairs or some other random place in the house, look at it for 2 minutes, then forget about it, set it down and it will just be one more thing for me to pick up.  So just leave it on the desk."

Tonight I find it downstairs in the middle of the floor as I'm cleaning up.  

Marty left it there.  

I'm glad I can see the humor in it or my head just might explode.  :)