Monday, October 22, 2012

What the ?!?!

This is just a silly little story, but my house is quiet and I am avoiding about a million things, so I am going to write it down.

Gavin, Owen and I went to the grocery store this morning.  It was great.  The boys were cute and happy and all was well.

At the end of the shopping trip, Gavin generally gets a penny to go ride on the little pony machine as long as he has made good choices.... which he generally does.  Today, just as we finished paying for the groceries, three little kids got in line to ride the pony.  We were already in a rush because we needed to go pick up Elijah from school, didn't have much time to spare and couldn't wait for the three kids.

I made a deal with Gavin.  He gave me the "one little one" (penny) and I gave him "two big ones" (quarters) and he could get a prize.  Seemed like a good enough trade to him and he went over the vending machine to see what he would get.  So exciting..... there were little guys, dice, mini hand-cuffs, monsters.... so many cool prizes in this vending machine.

Out comes the little container and he is so excited to open it and find out what is inside!

Guess what it is!?!?  A random piece of rubbery plastic.  In the shape of nothing.  Not a monster, or a guy, or well.... anything.

Gavin was all excited and exclaimed with excitement "MY STICK!" (which actually sounds very similar to the inappropriate comments mentioned in the previous post.... but that is old news)

So, our fifty cents bought us a piece of rubbery plastic.  In the shape of a stick.  Made in China.

What the ?!?!  Really.  I didn't expect much for my fifty cents.... but can it get more random than that?

Ok.  I am off to actually unpacking my new fancy pants kitchen.  Hope to have some before and after pictures soon.  :)

Completely Inappropriate Humor

*Disclaimer:  If you are easily offended or don't find somewhat inappropriate things absolutely hilarious.... this likely is not the post for you to read.  

Alright if you made it past the disclaimer, welcome.

Gavin.  2 1/2 years old and is really working on mastering the art of speaking.  His language skills have really skyrocketed in the past couple of weeks and it has just been a joy.  He speaks in two word phrases and then expects us to fill in the rest.  Some boring examples are:

"No, Mommy." (very standard)

"'Yay-yay', wake"  (translation:  Owen is awake).

"More hatty" (translation: I want to wear my hat)

In the past couple of weeks we have been busy with a contractor in house remodeling the main level.  He has just been great and Gavin REALLY enjoys him.  He is great guy and he also really enjoys all the boys.  His name happens to be Dick.  Which is where the inappropriate humor comes in.  Even as I think of all the examples over the couple weeks, I chuckle to myself.  Part of it is that Gavin speaks about everything with such a level of passion and excitement.... oh, just too funny.  So, some examples.

* Dick's truck and Marty's truck are nearly identical.  One day as we were pulling up to the house Gavin was trying to ask if it was Daddy's truck or Dick's truck parked in the driveway.  What came out instead was "Daddy's Dick, Daddy's Dick" over and over again....

* The last week of the remodel a plumber named Mike was here a few days.  Gavin was having a tough time saying Mike, so he renamed him "Two Dick".  And every time we saw him, Gavin would stop, point and yell "Two Dick"

* We made a few trips to Home Depot or Lowes during the remodel project.  Gavin would see tools that he thought looked like they should belong to the contractor.  He would go down the aisles yelling "MY DICK" (meaning, those belong to the contractor.... someone should really return them to him!).  It was so hard not to chuckle, but to just repeatedly tell him "It's okay Gavin, Dick has his tools at our house".... mainly just loud enough for the other patrons to hear so they would be less concerned about his word choices.

* Gavin has his first dentist appointment last week.  The prize he picked out was a tiny little monkey.  When we got back to the house, he wanted to show it to the contractor.  So, he ran up to the house yelling "MONKEY DICK, MONKEY DICK"

That's all.  You get the idea.  Maybe only really funny to me, but maybe it will make someone else laugh as well.  :)