Monday, September 24, 2012

Every couple years....

We really like to pack up all our belongings.... just to see how many boxes it might take.  

We especially like to do this when we have a baby who is somewhere in the 8 month to 11 month range.  These adventures haven't ever been planned, really.  It is apparently just how we roll. 

When Elijah was a baby we got tired of 'having discussions' out the window with the college students who lived behind us.  These chance discussions regularly occurred somewhere in the 1am-3am time frame in the middle of the week.... and since we were usually up by 5am or 6am to go to work.... it wasn't our favorite time to catch up with them.  We decided on a whim to list our house to see what would happen and a month or so later we moved across town.

Elijah and our-former-dog, Kiley, around the time that we moved.  I know I have one of him in a box... but I can't find it.  It has been a couple years.

Then in 2010, when Gavin was almost 8 months old, we moved to Oregon on a total whim.  No planning involved there whatsoever.  So, once again, we packed up all our stuff with 2 little kiddos and moved.  

Gavin and Mommy - on our way to Oregon in November 2010.  

It must just be in our blood or something.... so since we have been throwing around the idea of remodeling the main level of our house for a few years, now seemed like the perfect time to do it.  This time around we got to pack up all the stuff and move it upstairs, downstairs, or into storage in the midst of taking care of 3 kids....  It is getting to just be a part of the routine.  :)

Owen, in the midst of packing up all our stuff...  he found the laundry basket.
Our "kitchen" set-up is currently in our bedroom.  Thankfully, I am currently in Iowa with the kids.... but we will have about a month where we will be able to eat breakfast in bed every day - literally.  It is going to be an awesome adventure.  

This is what our kitchen looked like after Day 1 of demolition:

The next 2 days got even "better".... the contractors took out all the drywall in the ceiling and in part of another wall.  Marty sends texts or emails with updated photos.  Now they are starting the slow process of rebuilding everything and scraping the "popcorn" off the ceiling.  

So, instead of being in the midst of the drywall dust, we are in the midst of corn harvesting dust.  It is great fun.

Kyle (cousin) and Gavin looking at the pig. 

The pig was equally as interested in looking at them. 

Elijah and Gavin helping Grandpa farm. 

Elijah was riding in the tractor with Rex.

Gavin riding in the combine with Grandpa.  


  1. But what a great adventure! Miss you so much!

  2. Holy wow! I'm so excited for you guys and an updated kitchen. Can't wait to see the results. I love home renovations!

    Please post more information about farm livin'. I've always wanted to stay on a farm for a week to see what it's like. I think farming is a "lost art" if you will - something that is becoming less and less common. How do you work a farm? How do you plan out crops, price, yield? How do you know how many cows to own? Where do you get all that darn expensive equipment? Do you have chickens for both eggs and meat? Do roosters really wake you up in the morning?!?!?! A non-farming mind wants to know!
