Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Owen's Shenanigans

  1. secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.
    • silly or high-spirited behavior; mischief.

After an 8 month hiatus in any blogging whatsoever, I have concluded that the daily shenanigans of our 3 year really needs some documentation.  For his future self.  And so when I am old and claim that he was the most difficult 3 year old ever, I've got some documentation to back that up.

This weekend a beautiful orange tiger cat followed Elijah home from getting the mail.  It had tags which read "Special Diet.  Do Not Feed." followed by a phone number.  Being the responsible citizens that we are, Marty called the number to inform them that their cat was on our front porch.  The kitty is an outdoor cat.  The owner warned us that kitty may end up trying to get into our house.

Problem statement:  I am not a cat person.  It may have something to do with growing up on a farm where there were plenty of farm cats that probably did not appreciate my young self trying to hold them and groom them.  Whatever happened, I am forever traumatized and do not trust cats.

After instructing Owen that under no circumstances should he let kitty into our house, I had to have known that was what was coming next.  

Owen stayed outside with Marty mowing the lawn and as the minutes passed, sure enough, there come kitty and Owen.  Being the rational adult that I am, I start screaming for Marty to come and rescue me from the calm, tame cat.... which I should mention is not declawed.  Like a crazy person.

3 year old: One point, Mommy: Zero.

Given Mommy's great response the first time, of course Owen was going to try again.  This time he let the cat in the house and then ran up the stairs so the cat would go snuggle him in his bed.  For real.  
Repeat above steps with Mommy losing her over-loving-mind.

Following the second entrance, Owen was not allowed back outside and the cat took up residence on our front porch for the entire day, sleeping on our patio furniture.  And Owen spent the entire day trying to get kitty back in the house.  With that devious look on his face... which he calls "I sneakin' at you with my eyes." Got to get a picture of that on here.

If I knew I was going to blog about it, I would have taken a photo of the cat too.