Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I write blog posts in my head all the time.   Sadly, my head is unable to wrap itself around the idea that no can actually read those posts.  I'm sure they are quite entertaining and fun, but by the end of the day I just don't get around to writing them down.  Thus the many month break......

This week we have ventured into "Urban Agriculture".

Step 1:
Elijah interviewed (we'll use that term loosely) three families to learn about their experiences raising chickens (since these are going to be his chickens).  After many reassurances that chickens are not smart animals and that they are really easy to care for..... we decided we would go for it.

Step 2:
Some neighbors gave us their old chicken coop since they aren't planning to have chickens again.  The coop hadn't been used in a while, so it needed a bit of fixing up.  The entire family was able to help out.

Step 3:  Get chickens!!!!  This was a bit overwhelming.  I had no idea there were so many varieties of chickens!  We found a bunch for sale on Craigslist and bought 6 chickens.  For anyone who knows chickens, we have an Amauricana, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 2 Speckled Sussex, and a Silver Laced Wyandote.  The older birds should be laying eggs starting in August.
 It took only moments until the boys wanted to get in the chicken coop with the chickens.  And why not?!?!
 Owen was the first one who was brave enough to try and touch them.  And as you can see, he was super excited about it.

Elijah then got really brave and actually picked one up!  This is his most favorite chicken who he named "Joy".  She will eventually lay pretty green/blue eggs.  

And then he gave "Joy" to Gavin to hold.  Which gave us this super sweet photo.

We've let the little chickens run free in the backyard a little bit.  The little guys all stick together.

So far our chicken raising adventure has been great.   Elijah loves his chickens and checks on them multiple times throughout the day.  Most of them allow him to pick them up and micromanage their movements.

And then there is Owen.  I came outside yesterday afternoon to find this going on.  OWEN!  In case you can't tell what is going on here, Owen is shooting at the chickens with his water gun.   The chickens may not enjoy Owen so much......

We are looking forward to some backyard fresh eggs in the coming months!!!!  :)